
Monday, October 10th, 2022

7:00a | Transfusion, TEG, Coagulopathy

We will discuss transfusion, TEG, and coagulopathies in groups (on Canvas). There is pre-reading, the UpToDate chapter included below, in addition to discussion questions which are attached.


Associated SCORE modules:

Groups for Monday conference, October 10th.
Group 1: Dana 9 (AC Pharmacist) Group 2: SLC (Carter) Group 3: Library Room 4 (Whiting)
Murphy Johnson Nwanna-Nzewunwa
Caesar Caffé Scott
K. McGuirl Elman Demme
Okoli Francois Olsen
Smith Gleaton Philbrick
Caron Button Byrnes


Conference documents: 

Thursday, October 6th, 2022

7:00a | Ventilators and Mechanical Ventilation

Ventilator simulator:

Associated SCORE modules:

8:00a | Morbidity & Mortality

A death in the scanner, Dr. Obieze Nwanna-Nzewunwa

A total hepatectomy, Dr. Jack Vernamonti

9:00a | Grand Rounds

A presentation by Dr. Syed Quadri, Thoracic Surgery. 

10:00a | Chair Conference



Residency Calendar


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