
Monday, July 10th, 2023

7:00a | Educational Conference | Dana 9

Emergency General Surgery journal club, articles attached:

  • Not a Routine Case, Why Expect the Routine Outcome? Quantifying the Infectious Burden of Emergency General Surgery Using the NSQIP
  • Prophylactic negative pressure wound dressings reduces wound complications following emergency laparotomies: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Thursday, July 6th, 2023

7:00a | Educational Conference | Dana 7

Take this quiz: SCORE Patient Safety and Outcomes.

8:00a | Morbidity & Mortality | Dana 7 or Zoom

Details pending.

9:00a | Grand Rounds | Dana 7 or Zoom

Dr. Sawhney discusses Goals and Objectives for various rotations.

10:00a | Chief's Conference | Dana 7

Admin time and meeting amongst residents.


Residency Calendar


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