
Monday, February 13th, 2023

7:00a | DEI Block | Dana Auditorium

“Cultural Humility; Marginalization and Privilege”
Per Dr. Whiting: Please read the 1998 Landmark paper in the readings section of the cultural humility module. Then pick one of the videos of your choosing and watch it. The group reviewing the module last week suggested the first and second video as well as the sixth video on cross cultural communication, but the choice is yours. We’ll break up into two groups, discuss the concepts then watch one of the shorter videos on privilege and discuss. This session is just us due to time constraints of recruiting others.

Thursday, February 9th, 2023

7:00a | Educational Conference | Dana 7

"An exploration of the Health Disaprities, Social Justice, and Cultural Humility Course." 

See Dr. Whiting's e-mail. The modules can be found on Canvas. In the mobile app, hit the sprocket in the top right when viewing the Dashboard and you'll be able to search the course and add it. Assignments are in Dr. Whiting's e-mail.

8:00a | Match Presentation | Dana 7 or Zoom

Review of our rank list prior to certification.

10:00a | Chair Conference

We will be discussing this podcast with Dr. Nolan.


Residency Calendar


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