
Thursday, November 2nd, 2023

7:00a | Educational Conference | Dana 7

SCORE: Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Drs. Caron, Nicolais.

8:00a | Morbidity & Mortality | Dana 7

"Larged, torsed ovarian cyst requiring exploratory laparotomy for resection," with Dr. Scott on behalf of Pediatric Surgery.


9:00a | Grand Rounds | Dana 7 or Teams

AI presentations.

10:00a | Chair Conference

We will discuss the op-ed on resident autonomy attached below.

Monday, October 30th, 2023

7:00a | Educational Conference | Dana 9

SCORE: Breast (Part 2 of 3) with Drs. Olsen, Vernamonti.



Residency Calendar


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