7:00a | Shock & Sepsis
October is upon and winter is coming. From the desk of the honorable Dr. Vernamonti:
For Monday Conference we will be talking about Shock and Sepsis. We will be filling out the infamous shock table with the swan values (medical students up/down arrows acceptable, residents get absolute values) and talking about basics of critical care management for each one. I anticipate this will take about 30 minutes, then we can talk about most recent surviving sepsis guidelines (2021). Please don't read all 90 pages, but Table 1 is helpful with the summary of recommendations. Also included Sepsis III for historical context, but don't read unless interested.
Referenced documents attached. Associated SCORE modules below:
8:00a | Melnick!
In lieu of Thursday conference we will enjoy our Fall Melnick Retreat. We will gather at Dr. Whiting's lakeside chalet for a morning of relaxation. Details will be e-mailed.